Greetings and welcome everyone to Qwerty Blogr.
In a quest to get back to serious and regular writing, Qwerty Blogr (kwəːti blɒɡə) took birth today, on the 5th of April, 2018. Thanks to all the contributing writers without whom this blog will remain just a blog and will not transform to a unique platform for the rookie, the amateur and the expert writers among us – which by and large includes all of us here. Welcome again, and let’s start the journey!
Recently I have observed that many of us want to either start writing or get back to their old self, where they used to write – either regularly or intermittently. This is a basic need for all the writers, whether to write seriously or just scrawl through. And because of many a reason, it becomes tough and, in some cases, impossible to continue writing – something all of us want to do so dearly.
I thought something needs to be done. A lot of thinking and brainstorming went into this. Those among us who were with me since the start know how much time and energy I put into this. And here it is today, in front of you – Qwerty Blogr.
Actually, there were a few more things into this which I have written about in details in The Indian Freelancer blog. Please feel free to check out that article, if you have not read that yet; though it was written from a different perspective.
I hope now you know why Qwerty Blogr was brought into existence. It is to provide a platform to one and all, who want to write, to write without thinking of anything else. Just write and submit. Rest all will be taken care by the community. And when you are a part of the community too, you help others by reading them, correcting them, suggesting them and sharing what you like. Other community members do the same to you too. So, holding hands we learn, improve and grow together. This is the basic idea behind having an open and interactive platform for the writers.
Why the name Qwerty Blogr?
I did a lot of brainstorming thinking about the name of the blog. The real problem was that we write on various topics and not on a single genre and hence, the name of the blog could not be specific. It has to be something generic, yet relevant to all of us. The name should be able to bind us together and give that feel of being tagged together when we write here and live here, as an extended family.
The part “Blogr” was an instant choice when I thought of it. I loved it! So, that stayed. Now, let’s come to the part “Qwerty.” Qwerty is the type of keyboard that we all use to type, whether on our computers or on the mobile devices. That is because the letters Q-W-E-R-T-Y are arranged together on the top left-hand corner of the keyboard alphabet. Since we all write using the Qwerty keyboard, it does kind of bind us together. Don’t you feel it too?
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Qwerty Blogr Logo |
- Qwerty is how we write - using the qwerty keyboard. This essentially means that we are a bunch of writers who use the keyboard to scrawl and not the traditional pen and paper.
- Qwerty is also synonymous with various or random, as the letters are not positioned or arranged as per the alphabet. We are going to write on different topics from different genres and hence, this random arrangement goes well with our content.
- Qwerty is an exciting, different and unique word. Most tech-savvy people know about it and hence will be exciting for them. It is different because we do not use this word in regular conversations. Qwerty is unique too, as we only use this word when we talk about the keyboard - our pen with which we write.
I guess this combination of the two words Qwerty & Blogger will be recallable and writers will love to associate with it. We can give away badges to the writers, saying, "I am Qwerty Blogr."
Next Steps:
1. Now that we have the blog in place and we have identified and taken in a few concurring writers as well, we are all set to kick-start the journey! Yes, we are! So, jump in with your articles and start posting them.
2. Feel free to write as many as you can and keep sharing those articles that you write on Social Media.
3. Also, spend some time in reading others’ articles as well and make sure you comment on them and share your views about the particular write-up. And if you like, please share those on social media as well.
4. We will come up with specific Rules and Regulations and share with all of you. You can all have a look and suggest modifications if any. This will take some time, but do not worry about that for now and keep doing the above three things religiously.
5. Soon we will have more writers joining us. So, let’s make this platform a welcoming and hospitable place for all of us – new or old. Let’s talk, discuss and interact in a friendly and constructive manner. It is awesome that we all are part of something which is just starting and we are participating in all the baby steps Qwerty Blogr is taking. One day, we can be proud of it. Hence, we need to ensure that we develop proper relations, culture and ethos from the very first and keep improving with time.
6. Promote. Promote. Promote. Lastly, we must dedicatedly promote Qwerty Blogr. The more we promote, we will get more people to know about us. While most of them will be our readers, we might be lucky enough to get some more writers as well. I am sure we all have one or two or many friends who want to write or are already writing. It would be awesome if we can get them onboard as well. The more the merrier.
Now, ‘all work and no play’ is not something I am a fan of and it will not be the system here as well. We will work and play as well. We will have something to look forward to and something to rejoice (and show off, if you want to) at the end of the hard work that we put in. This is something that makes this platform unique and different.
We will have contests periodically, among the writers and regular contributors and the winners will be gifted. Now, let’s not get much into the ‘gift’ part and it’s worth, but surely, we will think of something in the future which will be energizing and motivating. This will obviously depend on the outreach of our blog and the holistic growth. For now, let me tell you that there are a lot of thoughts put into this and we will all be happy when these things get implemented.
This is not all. We will do many more things in the coming days and months. But to reach there, we need to work together, close enough. This is why we already have a closed WhatsApp group only for the writers, where we will interact and stay in touch with each other. I hope we will enjoy our company a lot.
This is all that I had to say in this first post. I hope I could answer a few queries that you had. If you have more, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below. I would request every writer contributor here to comment on this post and give it a kickstart.
Let’s launch this blog NOW!!
Let’s launch this blog NOW!!
Vote of thanks:
I really want to thank each and everyone who showed interest and motivated me and the other writers to take the plunge. It is all because of that initial support we could get things rolling. I want to thank all the writers and future contributors who will be writing in Qwerty Blogr and take it ahead from here. Without you all, this blog will be nothing, trust me and I mean this. Lastly, thanks to you all who are reading this. Readers are the most important cog in our wheel and you guys make us roll. Thank you!
We must remember that this initiative is powered by and all the initial investment and everything else is being sponsored by TiF. We will keep TiF in the thoughts while we are here and keep a link to the website on the top pages section, below the header.
I will leave you with a few links here. Take care everyone and all the best!
Keep writing, keep learning and keep improving. Let’s write together. Let’s get back to writing.
aka Tanmoy Das
1. Qwerty Blogr Registration Form:
2. Facebook Official Page:
3. Facebook Page of TiF:
4. TiF YouTube Channel:
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